The Art of Living Vipassana Meditation AudioBook MP3 + PDF Book Version (9 Languages)
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Useful for meditators and non-meditators alike.
Unlocks the Vipassana technique-"the development of insight'"--that embodies the essence of the teaching of the Buddha, revealing an extraordinarily simple and effective path to self-awareness.
This was the first book to appear in English that accurately describes the practice of Vipassana at length for the general reader.
About the Author
William Hart has studied Vipassana for many years. Since 1982, he has been conducting Vipassana courses in the West as an assistant teacher of S.N. Goenka.
This is the classic introduction to Vipassana meditation: a full-length study of the teaching of S. N. Goenka, prepared under his guidance and with his approval. The Art of Living shows how this technique can be used to solve problems, develop unused potential, and lead a peaceful, productive life.
The audio book is read by author William Hart, and includes stories told by Goenkaji during the ten-day course in Vipassana meditation. Useful for meditators and non-meditators alike. It also includes stories by Goenkaji as well as answers to students' questions that convey a vivid sense of his teaching.
S. N. Goenka's Vipassana courses have attracted thousands of people of every background. Unique among teachers of meditation, Goenka is a retired industrialist and former leader of the Indian Community in Burma. His teaching has won the approval of senior Buddhist monks in Burma, India, and Sri Lanka, a number of whom have taken courses under his guidance. Despite his magnetism, he has no wish to be a "guru" --instead he teaches self-responsibility. This is the first systematic study of his teachings to appear in English
S.N. Goenka Background:
Satya Narayan Goenka was the foremost lay teacher of Vipassana meditation of our time.
Although Indian by descent, Mr. Goenka was born and raised in Myanmar (Burma). While living there, he had the good fortune to come into contact with Sayagyi U Ba Khin and to learn the technique of Vipassana from him. After receiving training from his teacher for 14 years, Mr. Goenka settled in India and began teaching Vipassana in 1969. In a country still sharply divided by differences of caste and religion, the courses offered by Mr. Goenka soon attracted thousands of people from every part of society. In addition, many people from countries around the world came to join courses in Vipassana meditation.
Over a period of almost 45 years, Mr. Goenka and the teachers appointed by him taught hundreds of thousands of people in courses in India and other countries, East and West. Today, meditation centers established under his guidance are operating in Asia, Europe, the Americas, Africa and Australasia.
The technique taught by S.N. Goenka goes back two and a half millennia to the Buddha. The Buddha never taught a sectarian religion; he taught Dhamma – the way to liberation – which is universal. In the same tradition, Mr. Goenka's approach is totally non-sectarian. For this reason, his teaching has had a profound appeal to people of all backgrounds, of every religion and no religion, and from every part of the world.
Mr. Goenka was the recipient of many awards and honors in his lifetime, including a prestigious Padma Awards from the President of India in 2012. This is the highest civilian honor given by the Indian Government.
Satya Narayan Goenka breathed his last in September 2013, at the age of 89. He has left beyond an imperishable legacy: the technique of Vipassana, now available more widely than ever before to people around the world.
Customer Reviews
A valuable book for anyone, Buddhist or not
Although I am not Buddhist, this book had a profound impact on my life. Its simple teachings helped me to consider suffering and stress in my life more objectively and taught me to find peace by letting go of that which I could not control, and to accept myself rather than judge myself. It is very short and easy to read, and I think it would be very encouraging and beneficial for anyone who seeks wisdom.
Reviewed by: Ashley Mann from Missouri, USA.
When I was asked how I got this ebook. I told there is a wish fulfilling website, there I got it. The book is the ideal present for the one who we feel would like to join a vipassana course and knows English. The friend said SADHU, SADHU, SADHU!
Reviewed by: Yeshwant from India, Maharashtra.
Most Helpful Customer Reviews
84 of 87 people found the following review helpful:
Life Changing
By Professional on August 26, 2005
Format: Paperback
This book and the accompanying 10 day course changed my entire life. This happened because my mind actually transformed, completely reinvented itself into a rational, sensible self. I too was a hard sell- a highly educated, argumentative, self-centered business person- and have in no way given up my worldly life because of the program. I have cleaned out my mind of the negativities, so now I can continue to pursue excellence and success with a clean, positive, and radiant mind instead on an insecure, unsure, angry, and frightened mind. Every person in my life has appreciated the change, and not once have I tried to sell this technique to anyone else. It is too special. However, whenever people ask me about how I am able to live my life with the level of clarity, lack of fear, and boundless dreams and goals that I do, I love to share with them my secret, so they too can learn the amazing Vipassana. I am in no way a master, and I know I will need to study for a lifetime to make small steps. However, I will be eternally grateful for the changes I have already seen.
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82 of 86 people found the following review helpful
Not really about meditation per se, but very good.
By A Customer on October 31, 1999
Format: Paperback
If you're looking for a book on "how to meditate" you should look elsewhere. This book is not about Vipassana meditation technique, it's more about the philosophy that underlies it. So the title may mislead, depending on what you're looking for. However, having said that I found the discussions that are contained in the book to be extremely good and very useful from the point of view of Vipassana as an approach to life in general. So if you think of LIFE as an extended meditation, then perhaps the book really is about Vipassana meditation. Anyway, as long as you're not expecting a book on meditation technique, I highly recommend this one. Good stuff.
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42 of 44 people found the following review helpful
The definitive textbook for Mr. Goenka's world-famous meditation courses
By Bruce on January 27, 2006
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
"The Art of Living" is an excellent introduction to Vipassana meditation. Prepared by William Hart and based on the lectures and writings of S. N. Goenka in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin, it could easily be considered the textbook for Mr. Goenka's world-famous Vipassana courses.
Although Vipassana is primarily experiential, I consider the intellectual framework provided in this book as key to fully accepting the positive impact of the technique. As the saying goes, success happens when preparation meets opportunity. Here, in my opinion, are two key passages from the book:
"Every thought, every emotion, every mental action is accompanied by a corresponding sensation within the body. Therefore, by observing our physical sensations, we also observe our mind."
"We observe the sensation without reacting, neither liking it nor disliking it. It has no chance to develop into craving or aversion, into powerful emotion that can overwhelm us; it simply arises and passes away. The mind remains balanced and peaceful. We are happy now and we can anticipate happiness in the future, because we have not reacted."
You can access your mind through your body. By viewing and dissolving areas of blocked consciousness in our body we systematically de-condition our mind. The result is increased clarity, happiness, certainty and true self-expression. In a world not overly abundant in these qualities that's an excellent contribution to make. I have completed two 10-Day Vipassana courses as taught by Mr. Goenka and they were the most positive transforming experiences I've ever been a part of.
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30 of 31 people found the following review helpful
A book of possibilities
By Sanjay Mysoremutt on May 25, 2004
Format: Paperback
The author says you should learn meditation only at a Vipassana Center so why buy this book? My understanding was that if we take swimming as an analogy, learning swimming by reading a book might not be a great idea for one who is not familiar with it; and this I felt was what the author meant by emphasizing that its not a Learn To Do It Yourself book.
However the book does give an idea that swimming is a very real possiblity. That it is possible for a man to learn to stay afloat, even in a churning sea with waves throwing him up or pushing him down all the time.
The course itself helped me begin to understand and accept who I really am, not who I appear to be. The book is also useful as a reference guide after taking the course, one that can be reread occasionally to always find some or the other new point every time.
Placing the book under Buddhism is slightly misleading I think; the book and the technique is about Dharma, the foundation of any religion. If we compare it to computer software, Dharma is like the 1s and 0s; while any religion is like a device driver or application software built over the fundamental concepts. I happen to be a Hindu, and can attest that I'm still a Hindu, though I feel I'm a better Hindu then what I used to be. At the same time, Im able to more honestly make an attempt to see the point of view of other religions. In other words, my religion no longer divides me from the rest of humanity.
Sanjay Mysoremutt
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44 of 48 people found the following review helpful
Most Essential Method Providing Pos Results [if applied]
By Erika Borsos VINE VOICE on March 3, 2004
Format: Paperback
S.N. Goenka was a businessman who suffered from migraine headaches. He turned to meditation as taught by the Buddhist community in Burma. He relieved his symptoms and embarked on the journey to share the successful technique of Vipassana meditation with others. What a magnaninous gift! Basically, this book, written by one of his students, teaches one how to be "aware" and track the thoughts which arise and ultimately are the root cause of one's negative feelings, i.e. suffering. Since all thoughts arise and diminish, it is a matter of *not* forcing or trying to change things as they are ... but instead to *observe*, witness what is truly happening. In and of itself, sounds simple enough ... but anyone who knows what sitting still and quieting the mind is like ... will tell you ... *not* so simple or as easy as it sounds. The book concerns itself with "ultimate reality" which we all share. It concerns itself with the part we play in this world and where our happiness resides ... To quote the Buddha: "If with a pure heart you speak or act, then happiness follows you as a shadow that never departs." [p. 37, Harper SanFrancisco, c. 1987]
William Hart the author covers basic Buddhist concepts of the cause of suffering, training of moral conduct, right behavior, training of concentration, training of wisdom, training of equanimity, right thought, right understanding, eradicating old conditioning, and penetrating ultimate truth ... He does a superb job of clearly articulating basic principles of the Buddhist viewpoint. He provides techniques for developing awareness and thereby more happiness in one's life. In conclusion, another quote from the Budda (who said it best) ..."When faced with all the ups and downs of life, still the mind remains unshaken, not lamenting, not generating defilements, always feeling secure, that is the greatest happiness". [p. 125, Harper San Francisco, c. 1987 from Sutta Nipata II. Maha-Magala Sutta] This book is highly recommended for anyone seeking a technique to enrich one's life.
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